Hurricane Updates from the City of Edgewater
Volusia County is currently under a Tropical Storm Warning. Representatives from all City of Edgewater departments are in regular contact regarding the potential impact that this storm could have on our community. Stormwater and street infrastructure are being, and will continue to be as long as weather conditions allow, assessed to ensure all are functioning as designed. Parks and Recreation crews are assessing City Parks and taking precautionary measures by securing shade structures, park amenities and riverfront docks. Click this link to report any NON-EMERGENCY storm related concerns/issues to the City.
departments are in regular contact regarding the potential impact that this storm could have on our community. Stormwater and street infrastructure are being, and will continue to be as long as weather conditions allow, assessed to ensure all are functioning as designed. Parks and Recreation crews are assessing City Parks and taking precautionary measures by securing shade structures, park amenities and riverfront docks.
to report any NON-EMERGENCY storm related concerns/issues to the City.
departments are in regular contact regarding the potential impact that this storm could have on our community. Stormwater and street infrastructure are being, and will continue to be as long as weather conditions allow, assessed to ensure all are functioning as designed. Parks and Recreation crews are assessing City Parks and taking precautionary measures by securing shade structures, park amenities and riverfront docks.
to report any NON-EMERGENCY storm related concerns/issues to the City.
The City is offering free sandbags at Mango Tree Lake (901 Mango Tree Drive). This location will be staffed and providing free sandbags for residents to fill on the following dates and times, weather permitting:
Tuesday, August 29, 2023 from 7:30 AM to 6:30 PM
Ten (10 bags) will be available per household with proof of Edgewater residency, while supplies last.
Additionally, there is another sand pile (unstaffed) location in the City:
Fire Station 57 - 2628 Hibiscus Drive
These sand piles are accessible 24 hours a day. Residents should bring their own shovels (and bags outside of staffed hours at the Mango Tree Lake location). Bags may also be purchased at local home supply centers or double bagged, heavy duty garbage bags may be used.
Click here for information about sand bags and piles for those not in the City of Edgewater.
Crews will be NOT be picking up yard debris on Wednesday, August 30, 2023. Residents are encouraged not to generate any additional debris. Experiences with prior storms have shown that limbs are more sustainable intact on the trees versus as loose debris on the street. Loose vegetative debris must not be placed in drainage swales or canals as this can disrupt flow before, during and after the storm.
Trash pick ups will continue on their normal schedule.
Recycling pick ups will continue on their normal schedule.
Volusia County public school and district activities will cease at 8 p.m. this evening (Tuesday, August 29, 2023), and all schools and district offices will be closed on Wednesday, August 30, 2023. All school activities, events, and programs scheduled for Wednesday are canceled.
Click here to view their website for more information
Click these links for preparedness tips and storm information:
NOAA National Hurricane Center Hurricane Page